Construction Tower

by Raelf

Adds a Construction Tower with a large construction area of 500x500 but with a small logistics radius. Useful for City Block Bases when you want to use your bots for building but not for logistics.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g Logistic connection

4 years ago

Can I ask for good way of connecting Construction Towers over long distances? Because I found out my bots will deliver items to construction task only if their tower is connected to logistic network. Is there any extender in this mod? For now, I use recharging stations to connect logistics.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Yes the Construction Tower needs to be in the same logistical network to be able to work. Is there a reason why you can't use a normal Roboport to connect it to the logistical network? Do you have a separate network for construction and logistic or is it one giant network?

The Idea of the Construction Tower and the Drone Recharge Station is to have small logistical networks. So that you are able to separate the network easier. If I would add an extender this wouldn't fit to the original Idea.

Of course I can add also a Logistical Tower. The downside of that would be that your drones would have a long way to recharge and that stations would be always busy.

If you want I can also add settings to change the radius for the logistical network.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I added settings to change the size of the logistic radius. Be aware that a too high setting can make it possible that robot can't reach the next tower without researching a bigger battery.

I added this feature for Factorio v0.17 and v0.18.

For more information take a look to the FAQ

4 years ago

Thanks for answer, I feel kinda dumb that I haven't thought about that. My idea for train base was one mall/hub that would produce materials for blueprints, that's why I thought I did something wrong.
One question though: are you planning construction area size change in future versions? I use Brian's Trains as base for network, and on recommended block size construction network usually miss about 50 squares to cover junction.

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