Construction Tower

by Raelf

Adds a Construction Tower with a large construction area of 500x500 but with a small logistics radius. Useful for City Block Bases when you want to use your bots for building but not for logistics.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g Construction Area

4 years ago

"Robots do not have enough battery to reach edges of construction area"

Me: laughs in Robot World

All kidding aside, anyone who's really into robots probably knows a few decent mods to eventually take full advantage of this wonder... Expanded Rocket Payloads comes to mind, as well as the aforementioned Robot World.

Suggestion: keep those kinds of add-ons optional.

4 years ago

Thank you for your feedback. I made it possible to disable the research.

I understand your point that other mods already will help you out here. I added only as many research so that you can also reach the corner of the construction area.
I just want that you don't need to add another mod to be able to fully use this one. Thats why I enabled the feature by default.

4 years ago

Perfectly understandable. Thanks for the mod!

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