
by Xerus

Provides nearly infinte customization of the game - Buff or Nerf just about anything freely! Should also apply to modded content as long as it's classified correctly.

5 years ago
0.15 - 0.16

g Update to 0.16 please

6 years ago

My favorite mod, please update and you will be my hero

6 years ago

I am currently not playing Factorio and am quite busy doing other things. If you report concrete issues tho I might look into it.

6 years ago

plz update i want it too

6 years ago

This is also my only reason im not playing 0.16 yet. I need to make enemys bigger hp or it is not challenging at all.

5 years ago

pls update it. It's so nice

5 years ago


5 years ago

thx man!!!