Colonists Army

by jonkeda

Manufacture and deploy marines to attack your foes and defend your colonists!

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

b crash on start. graphic missing. "marine-deploy.png"

5 years ago

file not found ColonistsArmy/graphics/icons/marine-deploy.png

5 years ago

is this on linux?

5 years ago

If so i think 0.2.2 should fix it. uppercase PNG it seems

5 years ago

No. Pc. I'll test 0.2.2 when I'm home next

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

i had the same problem with Windows10, but with 0.2.2 factorio now starts again properly

even though the windows explorer ignores lower/upper case (and thus i need to rename a file twice to change case, eg abc -> Abcx -> Abc; else W10 thinks nothing has changed), it depends on programs (how they access directories, files, etc) whether they ignore it too. this applies especially to files that are in a zip file. thus it might even fix this error to extract the zip file to a folder and factorio would have started, LOL

btw: although many websites ignore upper/lower case in URLs, the mod portal doesn't and thus i recently had a link on another mod to a 404 page instead of to this mod, when that other mod referred to colonistarmy instead of ColonistArmy ...

5 years ago

Ah, yes. That other mod is called Colonists and thats mine also. I noticed it yesterday and that should also be fixed.

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