
by jonkeda

You are not alone on the planet. Hundreds of pods have crashed on the planet and people are waiting to be saved. And you will need to keep them warm, fed and under a roof. Or they will get unhappy.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.0

b Error when appearing on the map

5 years ago

Error description

5 years ago

Same here, tried it with out all other mods

5 years ago

I thought that this was due to the conflict of other mods
Maybe later I'll find out when I will start a new game.

5 years ago

My bad. I messed up big time.

V 0.3.0 should be much better.

5 years ago

Even when there are no errors and we think that this is the latest version, there is always something to improve, to correct, to add. And every time you think that all this is the final version. The one who does nothing is not mistaken.
When I get to the computer, I'll try to play. Today it will be too late, most likely tomorrow.

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