Closest First

Lets personal construction bots save energy and time by building and deconstructing close things first

3 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

b Error in closest-first: could not replace roboport. Please report on mod page.

3 years ago

I wish I had more to give you than that. I even checked the script-output folder see if there was a debug file with more information to provide you.

I've been playing Krastorio2 with some QOL mods. TinyStart should be the only one of the QOL mods the might cause an issue. Last night I saw Closest First was updated so today I installed it. First thing I did was clear out some trees in my way and got the message in the title.

The end result is my construction bots froze where they were and upon investigation I no longer had any roboports in my TinyStart MK0 armor.

I feel like this is such an empty bug report to be making but it is literally all there is to give. :/

3 years ago

Alright I've been taking a stab at this for a while. Unless I'm missing something silly or did something wrong this has got to be a bug in factorio.

I've made sure the new roboport prototype exists.
I've made sure the new roboport shape matches the old roboport shape.
Nothing seems to be out of place at all. Well, except that the factorio function call to put the new roboport into the equipment grid fails for no apparent reason.

3 years ago

Minor incompatibility with Krastorio2. It seems the Krastorio2 is adding/modifying personal-roboports in the data-updates stage. Due to the order of mod loading closest first's data-updates.lua is ran before Krastorio2's data-updates.lua which updates the roboport's bot limit and construction radius.

Which in the end completely throws off closest first or maybe throws off factorio?? The prototype closest first wants to put in the equipment grid exists according to factorio itself but when you try to insert it into the equipment grid factorio seems to decide that nope doesn't actually exist.

I "fixed" this by simply adding "(?) Krastorio2" to the dependencies in closest first. This makes Krastorio2 a hidden optional dependency which forces krastorio2's data-updates to run before closest-first's data-updates and seems to so far solved my problem. Just need to turn off the debugging crap I added as my poor console is getting spammed while bots take out these trees. haha

3 years ago

I have the same problem too.

New response