Cleaner Concrete deprecated

Kill all decorations when putting concrete or stone bricks, because fuck anything that is green!

7 years ago

g Update for refined concrete

6 years ago

Doesn't look like this works with refined concrete. How easy is it to fix this?

6 years ago

Simply add:

data.raw.tile['refined-concrete'].decorative_removal_probability = 1
data.raw.tile['refined-hazard-concrete-right'].decorative_removal_probability = 1
data.raw.tile['refined-hazard-concrete-left'].decorative_removal_probability = 1

to data.lua

6 years ago

Awesome dude! Works like charme! You saved my day.

(Though, it doesn't work for allready placec concrete tiles, so you have to replace them)

4 years ago

Is there a way to remove the fucking plants from the already placed tiles? :O

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