Circuit Alerter

by Nexela

Adds a message Alerter and Alert Hud.

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

g Received this error

7 years ago

Was trying to set up a simple scenario for a signal to be given when an input signal is > 0. Received the following error:

Error while running event on_tick (ID 0)
Error while running event Custom event (ID 58)
Gui element with name message-broadcaster.settings_container already present in the parent element.
stack traceback:
CircuitAlerter/actors/circuit-alerter-actor.lua:817: in function 'open_message_broadcaster_gui_for_player'
CircuitAlerter/actors/circuit-alerter-actor.lua:195: in function 'openGui'
CircuitAlerter/lib/actor_system.lua:83: in function 'openGui'
CircuitAlerter/control.lua:187: in function <CircuitAlerter/control.lua:186>
[C]: in function 'raise_event'
CircuitAlerter/lib/events.lua:18: in function 'raiseEvents'
CircuitAlerter/control.lua:177: in function <CircuitAlerter/control.lua:171>
stack traceback:
CircuitAlerter/lib/events.lua:18: in function 'raiseEvents'
CircuitAlerter/control.lua:177: in function <CircuitAlerter/control.lua:171>

7 years ago

Fixed in the 0.0.3. Thanks for the report

New response