Chunky Power Poles

Extends the area of small and medium power poles to match their wire reach. And Substations can align with the Chunk grid without overlaps.

1 year, 10 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

i circuit wire length

5 years ago

I love the new pole coverage, but circuit wires won't reach now. Could you make the circuit wire length longer to reach between the new pole distance?

5 years ago

I haven't modified the Circuit Wire length.
They will always allow connections between like Power Poles using the smallest of the 2 wire connections.

i.e. Substation to Big Pole will use the Substation max distance.

As for connecting from poles to assemblers etc, it's remained the same as Vanilla, 9 tiles Diameter.

If the poles aren't connecting could you please provide a screenshot/Blueprint String.

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