Chunk Aligned

This mod make it easier to align stuffs to the chunk grid by tweaking values of power poles and roboports.

1 year, 6 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

g What the Mod changes

3 years ago

For Factorio Vanilla game:

  • Big Electric Poles: Wire reach 32 (Vanilla is 30)
  • Substation: Wire reach 32, Supply Area 32x32 (Vanilla is 18 and 18x18)
  • Roboport: Supply Area 64x64, Construction Area 128x18 (Vanilla is 50x50, 110x100)

If running "Factorio Extended" MOD:

  • Big Electric Pole MK2: Wire reach 48
  • Big Electric Pole MK3: Wire reach 64
  • Substation MK3: Wire reach 64, Supply Area 32
  • Roboport MK2: Logistic Radius 48, Construction Radius 96
  • Roboport MK3: Logistic Radius 64, Construction Radius 128

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