
Adds a cave system to the game that contains the resources instead of the normal surface.

6 years ago

i Enemies in caves

6 years ago

You make my dreams come true!
But can I add some ideas?
Enemies in caves
fewer and natural entrances
craftable entrances and explosives to open way.
More dark in caves.
Sorry all this requests that fast, im a bit excited.

6 years ago

using explosives has a chance to collapse the area to prevent players to open wide areas underground to build a base.
maybe building some type of expensive structure to prevent collapse.

6 years ago

thanks for the feedback :)

i think enabling enemies in caves can be done, but i don't think i can create new ones, only enabling the normal biter spawns.
i will probably make that a setting. I am not sure if they are balanced right, since in the cave there are no trees so the
pollution might spread further than expected...

yes, i think there are too many natural cave entrances currently. the problem i found was that when i used lower probabilities
often there wasn't a single entrance in the starting area though. i expect the player needs one per resource early on.
but with the suggestion to add craftable entrances, maybe that can be avoided; the player would need only 1 entrance
in order to get the basic materials until they can craft more entrances.
For balancing however i don't think i could use explosives in the recipe for entrances since they are pretty far in the tech tree,
i think it would need to be be quite cheap, maybe iron pickaxes plus some stone; otherwise the player is stuck manually transferring
resources arround.
note that currently land-fill can be used to delete the cave-walls. this isn't really intended but i am not sure if i can
do something about it. so while using some kind of explosives for this would make more sense i am not sure if that can work out.
i like the idea of the collapse system, but first i have to figure out a way to prevent land-fill usage (without preventing it
on the regular surface...), otherwise it won't make much sense.

i would also like the cave to be darker. but i am already using the lowest light-level setting (daytime=0.5).
but maybe i can tweak the textures to appear darker, i will try it.

thanks, i will see what i can do :)

6 years ago

i added an option to enable biters in the cave in version 0.1.3.
the other points need more time

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

you don't know how your words brings me joy!!
I do not know if it is possible, but making more entrance maybe can help. Examples
1-An entrance made with wood and stones, small and only the player can pass through
2-An entrance made with iron and belts, small and only material can pass through
3-An entrance made with steel, pickaxes, explosives, etc., MK1, MK2, MK3 ... medium, large, huge, player and numerous belts pass through

6 years ago

Number 1 entrance, wood and stones, like old mines like Western movies. kkk. both materials can be harvested from the surface in trees and stones ...

6 years ago

About the texture, gray its a bit weird to a underground cenario... i think brown it's more realistic and should fix the dark problem. The walls could be some mixture of brown and gray, to simulate soil and stone.

6 years ago

Interesting, i didn't think of using surface-only materials yet.
I thought i had to force the creation of entrances because of a lack of materials, but a bit of stone and wood might be enough for a small entrance.
The problem i have no clue yet is how the manual entrance building should happen.
currently i spawn entrances if there is space on both sides.
but if it is just a building the player can place, then the player doesn't know if the other side is free. i think i need some kind of prospect mechanism so the player can find out where possible entrances would fit. maybe something that places ghost images of where an entrance is possible?

Yes, currently it is too much gray, a bit mix of brown and gray could be an improvement, i will take a look (although i don't trust my texturing skills that much lol)

Thanks for the ideas :)

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

About the entrances, i was thinking that when placed the entrance on surface, the underground clear a certain space around it.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

I love those ideias! lemme throw my two cents here! About the entrance, it's not a problem if the underground is 'closed', u can't just dig a hole and voila, it's caves no, would be nice the need to throw a dice and find it would be more immersive if we have to dig/blow.. our way into....that's another thing that maybe could be implemented, i don't know if it's easy thought! also...problem with enemies within caves too, is that on early game we can't defend ourselves that well. especially when those ores are far, far,really far away sometimes....

6 years ago

May i add, in multiplayer lags like fuck, my FPS falls to 10 or less, bit weird since UPS dont drop from 50.
I believe is something about map generation and the cave spawn scrip, because when my friend stop running like Forrest Gump, the lag stops.
Gonna wait for a version with craftable entrances to see if fixes the lag.

6 years ago

at first i was also thinking of clearing the space needed to place the building on the other side. i didn't do it like that, because i thought it could look quite strange in some occasions. for example if you are in a cave and would place an exit, if it happens to be in the middle of a lake, you would now have a weird looking island.
but maybe that is not such an issue if i only allow placing entrances from the surface. Also having the the entrace 'closed' might be an option, although i am worried that happens more often than expected.
For the lag: currently i generate the caves below the surface whenever that is generated. I think even with craftable entrances it would kind of have to be the same; the problem is that if i generate the cave only once you place entrance, then you wouldn't be able to actually enter it yet since you have to wait for the generation.
I think the problem is that i save every intermediate state globally so in multiplayer there is a lot to synchronize. probably i have to come up with a better way...

looks like there is still a lot to do, but thanks for trying it so far :)

6 years ago

about the enemy topic maybe you don't need to place the spawners in caves but if it is possible maybe change it so the enemy's can go inside through the cave entrence

6 years ago

i made cave entrances craftable only in 0.1.4 now. i decided to remove them from worldgen since that didn't fit together.
i solved the 'closed cave' problem by adding a preview window so you can see where placing will work.
so far i made the existing entrance craftable (let's call it mk2).
i want to make a smaller(mk1) and a bigger(mk3) one eventually too, to adress the early and late game better, but might take some time.
i think however that the multiplayer lag during world generation is probably still just as bad since the generation is the same (slightly faster though).
i was considering to only generate on placement, but then i can't do an open cave but rather would have to limit the extent of caves, that would be quite different from now.

i think it would be possible to teleport the biters into the cave, but they would never try to reach the player who is hiding inside on their own, (unless i write a complete new AI for them). It might be an interesting challenge but i would rather not promise it, it seems a bit difficult :)

6 years ago

i knew it was not going to be easy to let the biters into cave and all but i rather ask to know if it is possible but ty for the response XD

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

I was experimenting with an option for just Worms without Spawners in caves (which also kind of makes "realistic" sense), seems like a nice balance so you can't just expand easily, but it isn't a nightmare to defend caves. I'll share the code when I get it in a better state, or if CaveGrinder wants to work with my mess, lol.

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