Building Time

by Klonan

Adds a building time to buildings

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Bug with Factorissimo 2

4 years ago

I really want to use this mod because I like the concept a lot, and I want it to be my solution for turret creeping in my mod pack. However, I've noticed there's an issue with the building particles staying forever when placing Factorissimo buildings because they still place with 100% full HP.

Also, it seems the particles appear and don't go away if you're using AAI vehicles, and your turret is instantly removed while trying to place it by the "anti-turret-creep" system in that mod. My solution to this, however, was just turning off AAI vehicles anti-turret-creep since this mod does the job of getting your turrets insta-killed if you try to do that.

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