Increased Bot Speed

This mod increases the base bot speed so it is no so tedious to wait for them to build stuff.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b wee typo

4 years ago

caught a small unintended "feature" (typo) in the Data-final-fixes.lua

if data.raw["construction-robot"]["construction-robot-nuclear"] then
data.raw["construction-robot"]["construction-robot-nuclear"].speed = 1.5 * new_base_speed

if data.raw["logistic-robot"]["logistic-robot-nuclear"] then
data.raw["construction-robot"]["construction-robot-nuclear"].speed = new_base_speed -- <-( here )

I think its supposed to say;

if data.raw["logistic-robot"]["logistic-robot-nuclear"] then
data.raw["logistic-robot"]["logistic-robot-nuclear"].speed = 1.5 * new_base_speed

,otherwise its just setting the Nuclear Construction bot to the base speed after increasing it.


New response