runing on Factorio 0.14.22
bobassembly 0.14.0
bobconfig 0.14.0
bobelectronics 0.14.0
bobenemies 0.14.0 (should be added to the needed mods bacause of the colored alien artifacts that are needed so that the alien research packs are loaded)
BobExtended 0.14.25
bobinserters 0.14.3
boblibrary 0.14.3
boblogistics 0.14.5
bobmining 0.14.0
bobmodules 0.14.2
bobores 0.14.0
bobplates 0.14.0
bobpower 0.14.0
bobtech 0.14.0
Failed to load mod "BobExtended 0.14.25"
BobExtended/library/recipes.lua:12: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)