Black Market 2 deprecated

Sell and buy items/fluids/energy on the universal black market using trading chests/tanks/accumulators, choosing the frequency of exchanges and related fees. You can now sell your overproduction and buy things that you don't want to craft by yourself. You can also use these trading units as a paying shipment system. Fixed by LightningMaster for SpaceAge (Quality partially worked, selling high quality items will get more money, but you can't buy them. well, at least it worked)

3 months ago

g Crude oil error

3 months ago

Hi, having an issue placing Trading tank(buy)

Error while running event BlackMarket2 :: on_built_entity (ID 6)
BlackMarket2 /control.lua:2072: attempt to index field 'crude-oil' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
/control.lua:2072: in function
< BlackMarket2 __ /control.lua:2021>

3 months ago

hi, I have tested for the oil and buying selling is okey. the code that shows error is trying to locate oil price by it's internal name. so I am guessing if you use some mod that change the recipe of oil? or change oil's name? from my end, it works fine. can't locate the problem.

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