Big Roboport

A mod that adds a large roboport and charging station into Factorio 2.0. All credits go to original dev and creators (raiguard, Krastor and Linver) because code and graphics come from Krastorio 2. Adapted from mod by Tarckmhog

a month ago

g Why?

a month ago

there are already two other mods with the same Roboports

a month ago

You are correct there are other mods that do very similar things however I didn't feel like they implemented things in an interesting way for space age. I wanted too provide interesting solutions to problems I was having for my next play-through (roboports being too one size fits all to be interesting). also I am very particular about recipe costs and tech unlocks and didn't feel like the mods that were out there did what I wanted so I made my own that does things the way I want just as anyone can for free with my mods.

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

That's actually a good reason for this mod. Looking forward to try it myself.
Now you just need to adjust the license to that same license that K2 uses.

New response