Big Roboport

A mod that adds a large roboport and charging station into Factorio 2.0. All credits go to original dev and creators (raiguard, Krastor and Linver) because code and graphics come from Krastorio 2. Adapted from mod by Tarckmhog

a month ago

b Game not loading due to missing technology

a month ago

In-game error:

Seems like the mod just isn't loading the technology properly, but i dunno for sure.

a month ago

Looks like it's missing a tech image now:

a month ago

Noice, v1.6.2 has fixed this - however, i did notice that the tech icon is a bit wonky:

Seems like a cool mod though, and I'm really glad it adds a charging station. Annoying af how the base game doesn't have that.

a month ago

v1.6.3 fixed this. Thanks again for fixing all of these.

New response