BIG LIGHT for Electric Mining Drill deprecated

by Ritn

Go to : BIG LIGHT (mods)

4 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

i [Patch 0.1.2] Krastorio 2 Compatibility

4 years ago


is there a possibility to add compatibility for Krastorio 2 MK2/MK3 mining drills?

Thanks in advance!

4 years ago

Thanks for this ideas, I added the implementation of my mod with Kratorio2.
If there are any bugs related to the addition please let me know so that I can fix the bugs.

4 years ago

Very Nice! Many thanks for the implementation, it works very well, I like it! :)

4 years ago

Oh, I was a bit too fast.. It works for MK2/MK3 Drills only in vertical direction, in horizontal direction the lights are out of place. The vanilla drill (left) works in all directions.

4 years ago

Ok i will watch this.

4 years ago

Normally I solved the light framing problem ;)

-> patch 0.1.2

4 years ago

Yes, now it works very vell! Except full moduled (4 modules) drills facing south direction, if the light size is set to 2. If it's set to at least 3, the light is recognizable.

So, many thanks for your work! :)