Big Bags (more space in bags +longer reach) deprecated

Big bags everywhere ! More space in inventory, toolbelt, logistic and trash slots, robots cargo size and speed, bigger stacks & pickstick to increase your picking distance...

3 years ago

g Thanks

2 years ago

Hey i am an(the?) official maintainer for the original Big Bags, i was a bit baffled to see a "fixed" version of it, since i did not read any major issues with it or have any messages for that. I wasn't playing that much lately that's why i wasn't on top of it myself. Would you like to elaborate the issues Big Bags has? The original author does not care anymore about this project for the past years and i actually don't mind your fixes at all, even more i would like to integrate them into the original for everybody's excitement .

2 years ago

Myricaulus, would you please update the original mod? This one has a fatal problem. The original is not working properly either. Some of the research is missing. From what I can tell there's only one level of bags to research. The longer picker research looks to all be there. Thanks.

2 years ago

I have made fixt version of this mod because it doesn't work a long time on the newer versions of factorio.

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