
Fusion power, asteroid mining, maglevs, railguns, lithium-ion batteries, farms, bioplastic, fertilizer, more chemicals, realistic rocket propellants and more

8 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

b No Silicon Ore

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

So this kinda sucks. I was playing a game with the new version installed, and was on the path to get solar to start a farm, and it requires glass. Unfortunately, it says that it requires the resource of Silicon Ore. And when I look at the glass recipe I get an error message: Unknown key:"item-name.silicon-ore" and I've been all over the map but cannot seem to find this resource.

edit: I've been playing with the map generator and it seems that it's not included in the list of resources to spawn in.

8 years ago

I'm also running into this issue -- stumbled across it while introducing a new player and the lack of silicon ore is a bit game-breaking, not a great first impression. Is there any sign of a fix on the way?

New response