
Fusion power, asteroid mining, maglevs, railguns, lithium-ion batteries, farms, bioplastic, fertilizer, more chemicals, realistic rocket propellants and more

8 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

b Bugs

8 years ago

1) No lolcale for quarz sand (item) and railgun and it's ammo
2) Lithium accumulator uses base accumulator charging/discharging graphics
3) Landing Pad does not receive titanium after rocket launch - need to remove and replant it.
4) There is a recipe for making "Pellet" item with a wood pulp or plastic, yet no use for that item.

Not really a bug but annoying - each time I launch a rocket with a mining drill the game will pause to tell me I had launched an empty rocket.

8 years ago

Hey there Mezmerro !

For your 4 statements, these are not really bugs but un-used features, because the mod is still in developpement.
I agree that the fact you have to replace a landing pad to receive the titatium ore is pretty annoying, but a landing pad can store multiple rockets launches. If you have sent 2 rockets to the space with the asteroid mining drill, you will receive the accurate amount of titanium ore when placing a new landing pad !

And for the annoying pop-up when launching a rocket without a satelite, excract your save of your map, go to the control.lua file and remove this line :

game.show_message_dialog{text = {"gui-rocket-silo.rocket-launched-without-satellite"}}

Which is, in my save located at the 43th line. After this you have to be careful which save you are loading, and maybe reiterate this processus each time !

Hope it will help ! :)

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

I agree that the fact you have to replace a landing pad to receive the titatium ore is pretty annoying, but a landing pad can store multiple rockets launches. If you have sent 2 rockets to the space with the asteroid mining drill, you will receive the accurate amount of titanium ore when placing a new landing pad !

It kinda goes against the core principle of Factorio that everything could and should be automated. And this replanting is especially frustrating when you built your base to the point you can launch around one rocket per minute (which is not really that hard with 80% cost drop on rocket with this mod).

New response