
Fusion power, asteroid mining, maglevs, railguns, lithium-ion batteries, farms, bioplastic, fertilizer, more chemicals, realistic rocket propellants and more

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

g Liquid O2 and H2 Rocket fuel

7 years ago


I love your mod but I can't seem to use liquid oxygen and hydrogen to make rocket fuel. I am producing them fine but when I try and pump them both into a chemical plant, the building acts as though they are not connected. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? Thanks again for the great mod.

7 years ago

Hey Chrysom,

I encountered the same issue as you, wanted to use liquid oxygen and hydrogen to make rocket fuel but nothing happened in the chemical plant. I looked up to the .lua files and factorio seems to not like negatives temperatures in chemical plants.

To make everything working go to the mod folder then ../prototypes/item/fluid.lua
and edit the default temperature and the max temperature of both, liquid hydrogen and oxygen, to 20. It will now look like this :
default_temperature = 20,
max_temperature = 20,

You will have to clean your chemical plants and pipes to get the right temperature of liquids and then the chemical plant can accept those liquids.

Hope it will help, if you have any question, don't hesitate ! :)

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I tried the proposed fix above, it did not solve the issue for me. Will keep trying for a fix as the mod looks really interesting. Disregard this post, i put the inputs incorrectly

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