Angel's Smelting Complete

Adds recipes for copper tungsten, tungsten carbide, and silicon nitride in the Angel's style, making heavy use of the sintering oven.

4 years ago

i ceramic plate graphic confusing

4 years ago

could you make thhe ceramic plate grafic a Little different, maybe in a different color or something?, right now its really hard to distinguish from the alluminium plate, and I keep filling requester chests with the wrong item

4 years ago

Just to confirm, your aluminum plates and silicon plates look like this picture, where aluminum is on the left and silicon plate is on the right? I didn't think that yellow and white would be tough to tell apart, but if so, I'll see what I can do.

4 years ago

with a White background they are not, but in game, with a darker backfround color, its harder

4 years ago

OK then, I'll see what I can do to differentiate them. Thanks for the report.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

I have changed the shape of the ceramic plate to be the same as lead & tin in 0.17.2, so it doesn't really look like an aluminium plate. Hopefully this helps, feel free to comment if you would still like something changed.

4 years ago

thanks, I think that Will do

4 years ago

Glad to hear I could help.

4 years ago

just entered the game and saw, much better now, thanks

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