Barrel Size (Deprecated as the original mod updated) deprecated

Customize the fluid capacity of barrels. original mod by Loren1350 (Schmendrick on the Factorio Forums). this modification is to go straight for 0.18.6

4 years ago

g Would the same be possible for Angel's Mod?

4 years ago

Would it be possible to make an additional mod for Angel's canister- and bottle-receipes? The behaviour is just the same as with the barrels. Would be very nice.


4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

i am not sure the exact mod, will attempt to add it through tweaking the code when i know the exact modfile.

this modification is not originated by me

4 years ago

which kind of mod with Angel's canister/bottles? this way will get me the internal name for adding it.

New response