Attila's QuickBar Mod

Auto-links hand crafted item to first free quickbar slot if not already linked. Makes it easier to access hand crafted items that are not linked to the quickbar.

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

b [Factorio 0.18.47] Crash when crafting some items

4 years ago

Factorio 0.18.47. But it has happened in many other versions since I installed it about when it was released maybe.
Tried to craft a water turret from the water turret mod:

The mod Attila's QuickBar Mod (0.18.1) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event AttilaQuickBarMod::on_pre_player_crafted_item (ID 96)
Unknown item name: WT-water-turret-inland
stack traceback:
AttilaQuickBarMod/control.lua:22: in function <AttilaQuickBarMod/control.lua:4>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'set_quick_bar_slot'
AttilaQuickBarMod/control.lua:22: in function <AttilaQuickBarMod/control.lua:4>

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