Arumba's Accelerated Start

by arumba

A combination of accelerated start options including bots. Goal is to skip past burner miners and jump straight into laying out a main bus. Robots included to aid in big construction and forest clearing. Quickbar filters preset to my prefered layout. Put stuff in a box and shoot it if you don't want it.

8 years ago

b Not multiplayer compatible

8 years ago

when in singleplayer​ the mod does not crash, but in multiplayer it crashes if it tries to insert a not existing item, Arumba: please tell us which mods to use when playing with this and/or add them to the dependencies

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

It looks like it uses default vanilla items. How would you check in code if an item exists?

Edit: nevermind it has hacked-splitters in by default.

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

Here is a modified version of control.lua made for version 0.14.5 of this mod and version 0.14 of the game.

Edit: still learning lua. Don't look.

okay fixed version here

8 years ago

Removed hacked splitters for performance reasons, and that also solved this issue.

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

okay fixed version here

This version should be tolerant to bad names, and bad items
Also I had to move the Powerarmor up a few places to get the inventory to expand before all of the slots are full.

8 years ago

Hello Arumba,

First of all, thanks for the great mod and the addition to the gameplay it makes.

One annoying issue though when using this mod on a mp-map: the 2nd person in the game can't do anything with the weapons and armor bar - new weapons can be added, but none can be swapped out. The armor can't be viewed as well.

Deactivating the mod and reloading the map solves it again - but the next player joining the game won't get the accelerated start items.

Hope you can find a way to solve this, without the need to deactivate the mod.

Thanks in advance.

New response