Anti's Science Overhaul deprecated

This mod overhauls the science in 0.15 to a more diverse and interesting one

7 years ago

g High-tech science

7 years ago

Using uranium fuel cells is interesting, but unfortunately incompatible with fuel reprocessing or kovarex. I wonder, could the recipe output the science pack and a spent fuel cell? As is now, it looks like I'm going to run short on uranium ore very quickly.

The use of modules also seems a bit boring, if only because the pack almost exclusively uses red and green circuits.

The other science pack recipes I like BTW.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I have modified the High Tech science pack recipe to output used fuel cells too:

data.raw.recipe['high-tech-science-pack'].ingredients = {
    {'uranium-fuel-cell', 1},
    {'processing-unit', 2},
    {'productivity-module', 1},
    {'effectivity-module', 1},
data.raw.recipe['high-tech-science-pack'].icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/high-tech-science-pack.png"
data.raw.recipe['high-tech-science-pack'].subgroup = "science-pack"
data.raw.recipe['high-tech-science-pack'].order = "f[high-tech-science-pack]"
data.raw.recipe['high-tech-science-pack'].result = nil
data.raw.recipe['high-tech-science-pack'].results =  {
    {type="item", name="high-tech-science-pack", amount=1},
    {type="item", name="used-up-uranium-fuel-cell", amount=1},

This requires another entry in locales, so I figured out how to generate all locales correctly. To update/generate locales (copy data from base mod) using bash:

cd factorio15/data/base/locale
for lo in *; do ht="$(grep item-name $lo/base.cfg -A100| grep high-tech-science-pack)"; up="$(grep uranium-processing $lo/base.cfg)"; echo -e "[recipe-name]\n$ht\n\n[technology-name]\n$up" > "$A/$lo/config.cfg"; done

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