Love the general idea!
Short feedback:
My suggestions:
Introduce fluid (steam) at military science.
- In military science change explosives to electric mining drill.
Introduce basic oil (plastic) at Pack 3.
- Remove battery from Pack 3 (replace with something).
Introduce acid (battery as roboframe) at Production science pack.
For the removed explosive and moved battery requirement you could compensate with additional cost.
Long description:
Military science: Since v0.15 I always made Military pack even before Pack 3 and it made my life easy on bitters and was easy to setup, however explosives involves oil and oil often means expansion toward bitters.. which would be easier with military tech already.
Science pack 3: Oil is should be introduced easily, Oil is the perfect way to add hardness (complexity) but not just more smelting to science. I feel battery is a bit too much and breaks the constant sense of progression as it require a full oil processing setup. And oil in one step, forces you to make a huge detour from your main goal of progress.
Production science pack could have the battery instead of Pack 3.
High tech science pack is perfect. I love the nuclear addition.