AngelBob and Pyanadon HardPack deprecated

by Hyakko

Massive Pack with compat and balance changes (Very work in Progress)

Mod packs
3 years ago
This mod 395 From other mods 11
Dependency types:
Default 395 Required 357 Conflict 2 Optional 36 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 25.8M
base >= 1.1 -
BetterPoles 3.34K
IRobot 5.43K
ProgressiveRunningRevived 4.74K
RPGsystem 120K
alien-biomes 610K
alien-biomes-hr-terrain 204K
Dectorio 73.5K
safefill 33.7K
The_Lab_tiles 1.65K
AsphaltPaving 23.8K
platforms 6.63K
Landfill_plus 21.8K
factorio-crash-site 29.2K
Squeak Through 474K
AfraidOfTheDark 176K
lamp-placer 611
Searchlight 47.2K
Solar-Lamp 12.2K
InlaidLampsExtended 8.38K
LargeLamp 10.7K
darker-lamp 208
Dirt_Path 11.0K
Enhanced_Map_Colors 103K
more-minimap-autohide-017 17.2K
ResourceLabelsUpdated 4.70K
eradicators-safety-ear-muffs 113
Gun_Turret_Alerts 41.4K
Command_and_Conquer_Low_Power_Alerts-116 1.47K
ToxicForest 2.36K
Noxys_Trees 14.5K
aai-industry 521K
aai-containers 518K
aai-programmable-structures 123K
aai-programmable-vehicles 167K
aai-signal-transmission 513K
aai-signals 162K
aai-vehicles-chaingunner 144K
aai-vehicles-flame-tank 133K
aai-vehicles-flame-tumbler 129K
aai-vehicles-hauler 141K
aai-vehicles-laser-tank 164K
aai-vehicles-miner 170K
aai-vehicles-warden 136K
aai-zones 122K
AAI_Language_Pack 18.4K
equipment-gantry 258K
combat-mechanics-overhaul 297K
angelsindustries 103K
angels-smelting-extended 18.1K
angelsaddons-cab 78.3K
angelsaddons-mobility 90.2K
angelsaddons-newlocales 25.5K
angelsaddons-storage 170K
angelsbioprocessing 179K
angelsexploration 52.6K
angelsindustries-components-enhancement 3.05K
angelsinfiniteores 107K
angelspetrochem 201K
angelsrefining 205K
angelssmelting 196K
extendedangels 8.05K
PCPRedux 9.67K
248kTbaAB 541
Clowns-AngelBob-Nuclear 19.5K
Clowns-Extended-Minerals 18.1K
Clowns-Nuclear 24.3K
Clowns-Processing 22.0K
Clowns-Science 14.8K
boblibrary 396K
bobassembly 261K
bobassembly-bigger 30
bobclasses 94.8K
bobelectronics 244K
bobenemies 248K
bobequipment 227K
bobgreenhouse 174K
bobinserters 343K
boblocale 77.8K
boblogistics 293K
bobmining 257K
bobmodules 235K
bobores 258K
bobplates 256K
bobpower 266K
bobrevamp 219K
bobs-custom-circuitry 4.09K
flow-control-expanded-bob 8.25K
MilesBobsExpansion 1.56K
P-U-M-P-S 6.47K
SteamBurnerInster 572
Burner-Filter-Inserter 1.58K
ChemsCircuitProcessing 197
bobtech 234K
bobvehicleequipment 183K
bobwarfare 263K
beautiful_bridge_railway_bob_fix_updated_new 3.61K
xcompat_bobvehicleequipment 1.99K
prismatic-belts 16.0K
reskins-library 115K
reskins-angels 100K
reskins-compatibility 97.3K
reskins-bobs 109K
pyindustry 67.3K
pyalienlife 56.7K
pyalienlifegraphics 56.7K
pyalienlifegraphics2 56.2K
pyalienlifegraphics3 55.9K
pycoalprocessing 67.9K
pycoalprocessinggraphics 67.9K
pyfusionenergy 63.0K
pyfusionenergygraphics 63.0K
pyhightech 57.5K
pyhightechgraphics 57.3K
pypetroleumhandling 59.2K
pypetroleumhandlinggraphics 59.2K
pypollution 1.26K
pyrawores 59.6K
pyraworesgraphics 59.5K
Bio_Industries 54.4K
Load-Furn-Fixed 10.1K
bery0zas-pure-it 1.68K
Yuoki 28.0K
yi_engines 20.5K
Yi_Tech_Tree 8.39K
SchallLanguagePack 10.4K
SchallAlienLoot 21.2K
SchallAlienMutation 3.07K
SchallAlienTech 9.68K
SchallAmmoTurrets 12.1K
SchallArachnidPlatoon 4.47K
SchallArtillery 12.8K
SchallEndgameEvolution 39.3K
SchallLandMine 6.31K
SchallMissileCommand 7.70K
SchallPickupTower 16.2K
SchallRemainsPickup 4.94K
SchallSatelliteController 7.13K
SchallTankPlatoon 35.8K
SchallPrimaryBattery 2.65K
Surfaces_API 1.32K
Surfaces_Caves 772
Surfaces_Config_Caves 458
Surfaces_Transport 636
DragonIndustries 101K
Bioluminescence 7.01K
FactorIO 4.45K
Geothermal 28.2K
RadioNetwork 1.95K
AutoTrainDepot 1.10K
Kux-CoreLib 68.5K
Kux-BlueprintExtensions 8.09K
Kux-CraftingTools 2.55K
Kux-OrbitalIonCannon 83.8K
Kux-SpeedButtons 4.41K
Kux-Zooming 8.35K
LogisticTrainNetwork 253K
LtnManager 102K
LTN_Combinator_Modernized 89.4K
LTN_Content_Reader 46.5K
LTN_Language_Pack 32.0K
LTN_screensaver 5.13K
ltn-cleanup 34.1K
FARL 47.6K
train-log 28.7K
AutomaticStationNames 2.20K
TrainDriver_A16_fix 4.99K
TrainNetworkForPlayers 7.44K
beautiful_bridge_railway 51.0K
bbr-fix 2.39K
naked-rails_se 6.84K
traintunnels 13.9K
railloader 58.6K
RailSignalPlanner 24.0K
automatic-station-painter-continued 12.0K
Automatic_Train_Painter 97.1K
TrainSpeedLimit_018_Port 2.35K
VehicleWagon2 21.3K
SteamTrains-Graphics 308
dieselTrains 1.74K
GCKI 14.8K
PavementDriveAssist 184
SpidertronEnhancements 68.2K
SpidertronWaypoints 533
Teleporters 80.6K
TurboBike 14.8K
oil-hauler 2.27K
VehicleGrid 16.7K
VehicleSnap 244K
VehicleTrails 5.41K
Vehicle_Radar 3.79K
ZElectricVehicles 3.16K
spidertron-logistics 16.3K
spidertrontiers 15.2K
vehiclehud 1.94K
cargo-ships 217K
Transport_Drones 77.4K
drone-roads 418
Mining_Drones 99.3K
mining_drones_overloaded 8.00K
miningdrones_aaiminer 8.27K
Companion_Drones 75.5K
Aircraft 170K
AircraftDrones 2.34K
betterCargoPlanes 37.5K
AircraftRealism 52.4K
HelicopterRevival 79.1K
Raven_Raised 483
Hovercrafts 65.0K
M-Dirigible 2.18K
ATCTower 1.75K
EvoGUI 109K
Evolution Reduction 3.94K
EvolutionThroughResearch 755
NextGenEvolution 1.82K
Nightfall 60.0K
extra_biter_control 1.20K
Rampant 124K
RampantArsenal 152K
RampantMaintenance 2.72K
Nova-Natural_Evolution_Enemies 35.5K
Natural_Evolution_Buildings2 7.30K
ArmouredBiters 160K
Big-Monsters 29.1K
Cold_biters 59.5K
Explosive_biters 63.3K
FlyersEnemy 593
WormAttack 1.31K
ammo-loader 24.5K
Logistic-Gun-Turret 13.3K
vtk-armor-plating 12.8K
vtk-cannon-turret 22.4K
scattergun_turret 40.1K
Repair_Turret 100K
shield-generators 29.9K
flamethrower-fluid 1.43K
landmine-thrower 6.41K
Zane-CarTurret 1.26K
eve-weaponry 1.31K
heroturrets 55.2K
wraith-armor 150
Armor_pockets 6.24K
robotarmy 32.7K
Unit_Control 30.8K
Unit_Control_Unit_Collector 639
death_curses 2.55K
bullet-trails 411K
artillery-bombardment-remote 13.6K
Barbed-Spikes 1.33K
LootChestPlus 8.89K
beltlayer 16.1K
inventory-repair 78.8K
LaneBalancer 6.28K
UltimateBelts 53.6K
miniloader 191K
pipelayer 10.6K
underwater-pipes 23.7K
underground-pipe-pack 39.9K
CompressedFluids 12.4K
Flammable_Oils_Updated 759
Flow Control 187K
FluidMustFlow 169K
dirty-fluid-containers 276
fluid_permutations 17.7K
pump 50.8K
Juicy_mods 9.87K
smartchest 3.02K
VoidChestPlus 35.9K
Warehousing 203K
deep-storage-unit 36.2K
logistic-memory-units 3.52K
fluid-memory-storage 30.3K
distribution-centers 595
fcpu 10.3K
SmartPowerSwitcher 2.27K
MathCoProcessor 1.46K
circuit-checker 1.44K
speaker-signals-2 5.01K
pushbutton 32.3K
CircuitHUD-V2 8.19K
Inventory Sensor 32.3K
Factorissimo2 222K
factorissimo-power-pole-addon 3.79K
advanced-logistics-system-fork 3.10K
BotPrioritizer 3.88K
ConstructionTower1dot1 2.19K
LogisticRequestManager 28.7K
Robo-Charge-1x1 3.25K
Robocharger 38.0K
botReplacer 32.2K
OSHA_BotRecaller 2.54K
Roboport_Radar 25
logtech-beacon 4.55K
ModuleInserter 140K
robot_attrition 493K
Asteroid_Mining 17.5K
vtk-deep-core-mining 36.0K
Noxys_Deep_Core_Mining_Tweak 889
OmegaDrill 57.9K
Cursed-FMD 16.2K
bigger-mining-drill-status-lights-continued 1.53K
steinios_unlasting_oil 1.94K
BurntExtractor 985
248k 52.1K
umr 14.2K
turbinesplusplus 2.92K
Clockwork 31.2K
ConfigLampTimes 1.48K
RealisticPower 941
RealisticReactors 23.5K
Realistic_Heat_Glow 23.5K
RealisticFusionPower 29.0K
RealisticFusionWeaponry 14.6K
rfp-angels-bridge 574
Nuclear Fuel 27.8K
PlutoniumEnergy 63.2K
RTG 1.21K
MIRV 22.8K
MushroomCloud-patched 6.77K
CW-thermal-solar-power 42
SSP 12.1K
Electric_Transformators 2.98K
K2_Wireless-Charger 524
LightedPolesPlus 89.8K
PowerPlusPowerMeter 3.14K
ThickerLines 12.0K
eradicators-hand-crank-generator 659
SmogSolarPanels 2.49K
SmogVisualPollution 2.39K
sonaxaton-research-queue 49.0K
research-desk 3.06K
ScienceCostTweakerM 79.8K
DiscoScience 221K
BlueprintLab_design 32.9K
DeadlockResearchNotifications 5.91K
steinios_research_sensor 2.52K
Rocket-Silo-Construction 38.7K
RocketExplosions 792
expanded-rocket-payloads 43
SpaceMod 102K
improved-ftl 6
Amnesia 199
guiManager 14.7K
Placeables 11.1K
vacuum-cleaner 3.04K
Quicksave 2.88K
Shortcuts-ick 48.1K
even-distribution 407K
show-max-underground-distance 84.8K
factoryplanner 255K
factoripedia 5.69K
production-potential 10.4K
RecipeBook 208K
dana 3.67K
what-is-it-really-used-for 32.8K
multi-product-recipe-details 13.1K
whats-missing 5.39K
Bottleneck 257K
RateCalculator 257K
UtilizationMonitorBlargh 9.20K
assemblyanalyst 9.48K
solar-calc 68.2K
PickerAtheneum 30.3K
PickerBeltTools 7.18K
PickerDollies 52.2K
PickerExtended 23.5K
PickerInventoryTools 9.68K
PickerPipeTools 6.75K
Picks-Inserter 1.89K
ChunkyChunks 8.44K
MoreAchievements 117
MxlChievements 4.72K
Renamer 7.56K
TLBE 7.08K
Not_Enough_Todo 3.86K
hourly_autosaves 1.53K
dont-build-on-ores 674
initial-scan 671
IslandStart 21.7K
DeepPockets 1.80K
Truce-Mod 968
Booktorio 687
informatron 587K
liborio 55.3K
Robot256Lib 28.1K
MiscLib 34.2K
LSlib 61.0K
stdlib 406K
flib 832K
rso-mod 144K
rusty-locale 73.5K
Last dependency data update: 18 hours ago (for v0.1.2)