AngelBobExtended by DeFace

by DeFace

The game will become more challenging, recipes for science packs, electronics are changed. added structural elements that are needed for most buildings, changed the balance of various generators. technology is much more expensive.this modification is based on Bob's Extended by MomoSundeass.30 science packs for this mod is overhauled(Better to play with burner phase(bobtechnolgy mod setting) and Artisanal reskins)

4 years ago

b 'science-pack-gold' (a nil value)

4 years ago

I'm getting the following message after I changed a few settings. I'm not sure which one, but now it won't load any more:

Failed to load mods: AngelBobExtended/data-final-fixes.lua:21: AngelBobExtended/prototypes/addtech/techoveride.lua:69: attempt to index field 'science-pack-gold' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
AngelBobExtended/prototypes/addtech/techoveride.lua:69: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
AngelBobExtended/data-final-fixes.lua:21: in main chunk
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
AngelBobExtended/data-final-fixes.lua:21: in main chunk

Mods to be disabled:
• AngelBobExtended (1.1.1)

Any idea's to fix it?

4 years ago

The error was that the data of the golden science pack was required at startup, but this pack can be disabled in the bob's settings, and then an error occurred
Now the mod runs with any settings of alien artifacts

4 years ago

Seems that enabling the alien artifacts again solved it. i was going to play without biters, so I did not find any reason to turn it on. But solved now, thanks!

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