Aircaft Drones

Death from above! Build autonomous flying drones and launch airstrikes on those pesky bugs.

17 days ago
1.0 - 1.1

b Mod incompability: Artillery Manual Only Fire

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

With the latest update adding the artillery remote change, this can no longer be used with Artillery Manual Only Fire. This line:
entityManual.minable.result =

in final fixes lua of that mod tries to index something in this mod, and fails because it's not a valid index

attempt to index field "minable" (a nil value)

3 years ago

I think this mod should implement some sort of an exception list, for the AircraftDrones mod it would look something like this:
(top part of the data_final_fixes.lua file)

for _, entityType in pairs({ "artillery-wagon", "artillery-turret" }) do
    for _, entityBase in pairs(data.raw[entityType]) do

        local baseLocalisedName = entityBase.localised_name or { "entity-name." }

        -- exception for aircraft drones mod
        if baseLocalisedName == "hangar_turret" then



I haven't tested this though...

New response