Adjustable Personal Roboport Range

Allows you to change the range of personal roboports.

1 year, 8 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

g [FIXED] Update?

2 years ago

Plz? This mod is essential!

1 year, 8 months ago

Updated to 0.9.0.

1 year, 1 month ago

6 months late but thank you so much!

11 months ago

Error while running event Adjustable-Personal-Roboport-Range::on_player_armor_inventory_changed (ID 37)
...ustable-Personal-Roboport-Range__/AdjustableRoboport.lua:236: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
...ustable-Personal-Roboport-Range__/AdjustableRoboport.lua:236: in function 'swapRoboport'
...ustable-Personal-Roboport-Range__/AdjustableRoboport.lua:431: in function 'AdjustRoboportRange'
Adjustable-Personal-Roboport-Range/control.lua:280: in function <Adjustable-Personal-Roboport-Range/control.lua:244>

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