Additional Qualities

Adds 5 new base qualities, 1 new tech, and an option for nearly unlimited extra quality levels to the game! Recommended to use with Configurable Qualities (

a month ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod

i [Suggestion (Accepted)] Additional Research

2 months ago

Optional settings for research on each Quality unlock after Legendary

a month ago

Hello Scorpio_King, I'm afraid that may be difficult since, as you mentioned in your report, there's a 255 limit on data categories.

a month ago

Infinite Quality Tiers by notnotmelon did it

a month ago

Hello Scorpio_King, I'm afraid that may be difficult since, as you mentioned in your report, there's a 255 limit on data categories.

That does not mean anything as to this issue.

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Hello Scorpio_King and BraveCaperCat, I'm not sure if the 255 limit is per mod, or if research has a higher limit, but I tested per-level research and found that it worked fine. As such, I've now updated the mod to include a boolean setting to enable it.

I apologize for the initial confusion, I was aware of the 255 limit, but couldn't find any info on it and assumed all cats. had a 255 limit shared across all mods.

a month ago

Hello Scorpio_King and BraveCaperCat, I'm not sure if the 255 limit is per mod, or if research has a higher limit, but I tested per-level research and found that it worked fine. As such, I've now updated the mod to include a boolean setting to enable it.

I apologize for the initial confusion, I was aware of the 255 limit, but couldn't find any info on it and assumed all cats. had a 255 limit shared across all mods.

Different prototypes have different limits on their maximum instances. Qualities (as you already know) are bound to 255 maximum. Technologies (as far as I know) have no limit. I can see how you misunderstood.

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