Additional Qualities

Adds 5 new base qualities, 1 new tech, and an option for nearly unlimited extra quality levels to the game! Recommended to use with Configurable Qualities (

a month ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod

b [Incompatibility (Patched as of 1.0.1)] all-quality-from-the-start Removes 'legendary-quality' Tech

2 months ago

Failed to load mods: Error in assignID: technology with name 'legendary-quality' does not exist. It was removed by all-quality-from-the-start.

Source: additional-qualities (technology).

Mods to be disabled:
• all-quality-from-the-start (0.0.1)
• Additional-Qualities (1.0.0)

mods that remove pre-requisite technologies that are assumed, will cause a mod crash. suggest first checking if the legendary tech exists before applying it as a pre-requisite.

2 months ago

As a fall back, if search for "legendary quality" technology fails, you can then check if "modules" technology exists and apply that as the pre-requisite. if both checks fail, unlock from the start? haha.

2 months ago

Hello usafphoenix, as of v1.0.1 the incompatibility was fixed by disabling the prereq, and in v1.0.2 the tech was set to be removed so all qualities would be unlocked at the start when all-quality-from-the-start is enabled.

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