Actual Craft Time

Display actual craft times for assemblers, furnaces and rocket silo

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g changelog

4 years ago

CHANGELOG /home/msi/Games/factorio/factorio.1.0.0/mods//
00001 ERROR : Header must contain 99 dashes.
00004 ERROR : Items need to be indented by exactly 4 spaces or greater than 5.
00006 ERROR : Header must contain 99 dashes.
00009 ERROR : Items need to be indented by exactly 4 spaces or greater than 5.
00011 ERROR : Items need to be indented by exactly 4 spaces or greater than 5.
00013 ERROR : Header must contain 99 dashes.
00016 ERROR : Items need to be indented by exactly 4 spaces or greater than 5.
00017 ERROR : Blank lines can't contain spaces.
00018 ERROR : Header must contain 99 dashes.
00021 ERROR : Items need to be indented by exactly 4 spaces or greater than 5.
00022 ERROR : Items need to be indented by exactly 4 spaces or greater than 5.
00023 ERROR : Items need to be indented by exactly 4 spaces or greater than 5.
00024 ERROR : Items need to be indented by exactly 4 spaces or greater than 5.
00026 ERROR : Header must contain 99 dashes.
00027 INFO : Version field with alphabetical and other text characters may be unpredictably misinterpreted.
00028 ERROR : Categories need to be indented with only 2 spaces.
00031 ERROR : Continued items need to be indented at least 6 spaces.
00031 ERROR : an oil refinery and a chemical plant and adjust the numbers for each
00031 ERROR : ^^^^ Incorrect indentation level.
00034 ERROR : Header must contain 99 dashes.
00039 ERROR : Header must contain 99 dashes.

4 years ago

Please note: that is "actual-craft-times-remade_1.0.5"; this discussion is for "Actual Craft Time 0.5.8"

that said, where do you find these errors? the changelog displays correctly in the mod portal (here) and I just noticed it is not available in-game.

4 years ago

it's critical error from the changelog, but yes, that not your mods, sorry for that.

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