Actual Craft Time

Display actual craft times for assemblers, furnaces and rocket silo

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i Slidder Issues

5 years ago

One of the best mods out there to be sure. Thank you for the hard work osldgoth.
If I may suggest, the slider often skips over certain number and is quite sensitive. A box to enter the machine count or a less sensitive slider would be more helpful.
Thank you

5 years ago


5 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, I've always felt it was doing fine. I should be able to add some things so that a user can modify the way it slides, hopefully that'll help.

5 years ago

May I suggest a box and buttons at the side to increment by 1 (shift click +5?)

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Wait, are y'all clicking the slider handle and dragging it left/right to change the numbers?
1. That's nuts.
2. Use the mouse scroll wheel? (I think I've always only used the mouse wheel)
4. Yes dragging the handle left/right does skip numbers.
3. Some settings and increment buttons are added, working on making them function

5 years ago

LOL never thought about mouse wheel, yes we use the mouse to slide these small sliders around (and this in 4k xD)

I would just use some box where i can enter numbers but +1 +5 +10 seems also very handy

5 years ago

Same here I was mouse clicking it in 4k lol.

5 years ago

Version 0.3.8 includes changes to the slider. Buttons to add or subtract from the slider, sensitivity settings(which don't do much) and other changes. Mouse over everything to see tooltips. Let me know what you think, problems, concerns, questions etc...

5 years ago

What about a popup when you hover over the slider which says "Use your Mousewheel you stupid idiot" :)

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