Actual Craft Time

Display actual craft times for assemblers, furnaces and rocket silo

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b code for the labs

5 years ago

while researching something and clicking on a lab, i get:

error while running event
Actual_Craft_Time::on_gui_opnened (ID83)
LuaTechnology doesn´t contain key ingredients.
stack traceback
Actual_Craft_Time/control.lua:468: In function

5 years ago

Hey, I fixed this problem. Change control.lua at line 286.

It should look like this:
if entity and (--add in reactor?
entity.type == "assembling-machine" or
entity.type == "furnace" or
entity.type == "rocket-silo" -- or
--entity.type == "lab" or
--entity.type == "mining-drill"
) then

5 years ago

I opened a pull-request on github to fix this.

5 years ago

SounLee list mods used and which tech causes the crash?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Liquify Science and Big Lab
Efficient Research
Deadlock´s stacking/crating
Bio Industries

all tech, no matter what is being researched. if i click on the lab while research is running (regardless of biglab or vanilla) i´ll get that error.

(downgradet to old version for now)

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

sounLee > all tech, no matter what is being researched. if i click on the lab while research is running (regardless of biglab or vanilla) i´ll get that error.
I only got an error with biglab not vanilla. I've made a change so biglab should work in the next version

Kerboros> I opened a pull-request on github to fix this.
Thats not really a 'fix', it is more like turning off features

5 years ago

turning off features?

5 years ago

well, ok, I turned off the labs and miners. That fixes the crash. :) It might not be the desired result, but it might give you some time to make these functions rock-solid. That's why I just commented out these lines.

New response