TheKingJo 40k vehicles mods AAI fix

by swap

Fix for 3 vehicles of TheKingJo mods. It lets the Predator tank, Leman Russ tank and Dreadnought walk with the AAI controller. Also makes the technology recipe a bit cheaper and only dependent on tank technology

3 years ago

b CRITICAL BUG but easy solution

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

someone hit me up with an error they encountered when starting the game.
Solution: line 7 and 18 contain the wrong vehicle name.

7: Theres "kj_40klemanruss" instead of "kj_40kdreadnought"
18: Theres "kj_40klemanruss" instead of "kj_40kpredator"

It happens to the best of us XD

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Oh and in data-final-fixes.lua you should also always check if the relevant mod is installed. So not only if space-exploration is installed but also ADDITIONALLY if 40kvehicle-xyz is installed.

3 years ago

Fixed! Thanks for the heads up. I dont know how I didnt saw that wrong naming myself :D
But I have all 3 vehicle mods installed so it didnt give me an error.

New response