0.17 Science Packs deprecated

Changes the science pack recipes to match 0.17.

6 years ago

i [Added] Pipe option for Logistic science pack

6 years ago

FF#275 described the possible addition of pipes to the Logistic science pack, I edited the mod for myself to have an option in the menus. Could be nice to include as well.

Also, are you planning on modifying the science tree to match the changes described in the FF?

6 years ago

If you send me it I can include it but I don't really want to turn this mod into community suggestions.

I do not plan it. Maybe when 0.17 hits I can copy over the changes.

6 years ago

It's not really a community suggestion, it's a possibility being discussed by the developers. Also you mention when .17 hits you could copy over the changes... When .17 hits, isn't this mod depreciated?

6 years ago

-- settings.lua

type = "bool-setting",
name = "logistic-science-with-pipes",
setting_type = "startup",
default_value = true

-- data-final-fixes.lua

if settings.startup["logistic-science-with-pipes"].value then
data.raw["recipe"]["science-pack-2"].ingredients = {{"transport-belt", 1}, {"inserter", 1}, {"pipe", 1}}

-- science.cfg

logistic-science-with-pipes=Use Pipes in Logistic science pack?

6 years ago

Will be available in 0.1.6.

New response