Train Supply Manager (TSM)

Control train scheduling via a publish/subscribe event based system. Easy to use, and stress tested to gigabase level. Includes automated refueling. Distributed priorities for sourcing, and request priorities. Setup via simple to use GUIs and basic combinators.

7 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Thundering Herd Problem

1 year, 1 month ago

First of all, let me say thank you for this amazing mod; it makes managing large train networks so much easier! However, there is a problem I have been encountering of late.

When I have many supply train stations with the same name providing the same resource, and they are all occupied, when a requester station requests one of them, they all receive the order to go to the same request stop, despite the stop only needing one train load of stuff. This leads to all the trains taking turns going to the same stop, with only the first being unloaded, and the rest making an entirely unneeded trip. Is there a way to stop this from happening that I'm not seeing? If not, could there be one?

Thank you for your time, and thanks again for this amazing mod. Even with this hiccup, I will still be using it, because it's so darn good.



billbo99 β˜†
1 year, 1 month ago

I suspect you have not connected the train requester light to the train counter combinator.

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

No, I had not. That's embarrassing, LOL!

Update: I implemented your solution, and it worked perfectly. I guess I missed that part in the tutorial. Thank you for your prompt reply, and for your patience with a rookie such as myself. Now to go re-wire many, many requester stations. UGH

1 year, 1 month ago

Update 2: It turns out I spoke too soon. I wired the station as shown, and trains that had been assigned to a station while the lamp was still on still went to the station after it had turned off. Again, this isn't the end of the world, at least not yet. Is there some setting or something I've missed?

1 year, 1 month ago

For the record, I am playing Space Exploration. In the train requesters, I am using the first signal slot to designate the surface the train network is on, and the second to designate the required material. For example, if a station needs coal on Nauvis, I will set the requester to "stone, coal". I've noticed that when a station is wired as above, the train counter shows a train signal and the first signal the requester is set for, meaning that in my world, it always "train, stone". The second signal in the requester never shows in the train counter. Does this have an effect on the train's behavior? Does the first signal need to be the resource the station needs?

1 year, 1 month ago

It turns out the problem was that I did not read the manual. I had not set the conditions in the requester to read or respond to the number of trains on the way, and thus the requester would remain on for as long as the amount of material in the station remained below the threshold I had set. This was more than long enough for the station to request every available train, thus forming the thundering herd I was speaking of. The problem is now fixed for real. Thank you again for making this wonderful mod, and for your help.

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