Train Supply Manager (TSM)

Control train scheduling via a publish/subscribe event based system. Easy to use, and stress tested to gigabase level. Includes automated refueling. Distributed priorities for sourcing, and request priorities. Setup via simple to use GUIs and basic combinators.

7 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Requester bleuprint error

1 year, 7 months ago

The problem
After blueprinting a requester stop and placing it down, a train counter got detached from the stop. I believe it's connected entity before bleprinting (counter + stop) - you can't click on the counter and after blueprinting a counter becomes a fancy combinator you can click on.

After blueprinting a requester stop, the train counter becomes inoperative and you can't read trains on the way which leads to sending all the trains to the stop.

Place a requester stop on the track, take a blueprint and place it down.

1 year, 7 months ago

It seems it happens only in Blueprint Sandboxes mod...

New response