Tesla's Legacy (Electric Turrets)

by kafoaai

Tesla coil based military applications: 2 types of turrets, a tank and related technologies. All in one.

5 months ago

b [fixed] Advanced Tesla coil dimensions

6 months ago
(updated 6 months ago)

Advansed Tesla Coil Dimensions equal to 3x2.5,
and if you put, for example, walls before and behind the tower, and copy to blueprint, and then turn (key_R),
then walls on one side will conflict with the tesla coil.

To have the tower turnable on every direction, you need to have empty: 1 on the left, 1 on the right, and 2 on top, that is not intuitive.

where is example:

6 months ago

Hey there!

Thank you for your continuous support of this mod. I hope you do enjoy playing it! I have had a look on this and I believe I managed to fix the problem I just uploaded 1.0.6 which should contain the fix for the reported problem.

6 months ago
(updated 6 months ago)

Hi, now the turret is 3x3, and I can put wall to all sides without gaps, but for some reason 2 Advanced Tesla coil can't be side-by-side in 3x6 area

5 months ago

Hi there @flart, I have had a look into this again. Pretty simple fix fortunately. I think the collision box definition is inclusive so when someone tried to put them next to each other a collision happened right at the entity's edge. Now I have shrank the collision box slightly so there cannot be overlap.

Go ahead and take a look on 1.0.7. You should be able to place them next to each other now.

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