The Spice Rack - Tweak Military

The Spice Rack is intended to spice up the vanilla game by changing some well chosen details. Most changes can be disabled individually. Several minor military balancing changes. (turrets, tanks, shotgun, landmines, research, damage, cost, ...)

2 years ago
2 years ago
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0.0.1 (2 years ago)
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The Spice Rack

The Spice Rack is intended to spice up the vanilla game by changing some well chosen details. Most changes can be disabled individually.

The Spice Rack - Tweak Military

Several military balancing changes. (turrets, tanks, shotgun, research, damage, cost, ...)


Improve shotgun (more near damage, projectiles spread wider, character moves a bit faster while shooting). It has a bit of AOE damage directly in front and a small pushback. IMHO, much more fun to use it!

Long range gun turret

New long range gun turret (similar to the range of laser turret) with slower shooting speed
It has lower DPS than a normal gun turret, but benefits more from damage upgrades


The flamethrower turret consumes 3 times more oil and has lot less base damage. The refined flammable research adds more % damage as compensation to let it get stronger in end game.
Crude oil has only 50% damage, heavy oil 70% and light oil 100%.
The flamethrower research is more expensive.
The flamethrower ammo also has less base damage and needs light oil instead of crude oil.

Laser turrets

The laser turret has more drain (60kW instead of 24kW)

Gun turret damage research

Gun turrets (and the new long range turret) profit less from physical damage research to reduce their insane DPS in late game


Landmines have reduced base damage from 250 to 75 and smaller aoe damage radius (5 instead of 6).
The stronger explosives research add more % damange as compensation to let it get stronger in end game
Arming timeout has increased from 2 to 5 sec. to reduce offensive effectiveness.
The stun time is reduced from 3 to 1.5 sec. but after that, the affected enemy is a lot slower for additional 2.5 sec.
The trigger area is reduced and the hitboxes are a bit smaller to allow placing them denser.


Improve tank (more hitpoints, weight and impact), but its more expensive


Improve car (more hitpoints and resistances)

Repair pack

Repair pack is more expensive

Military 3 research

Military 3 research does not require chemical science pack. Same for new long range turret research

Early military upgrade researches

Physical projectile damage 3 and Weapon shooting speed 3 has shorter research time (45 instead of 60).
Weapon shooting speed is a bit less expensive for tier 1, 2 and 3

Follower robot count

Follower robot count researches are less expensive


Spawners are harder to kill (more health, more self healing, addtional laser and impact resistances)


Big and behemoth biters have additional laser resistance.

Rock change

Huge rocks yield between 35 and 40 of coal/stone