Skip N hours

Adds more start items to save your time, patience etc (doesn't affect technologies) Anyone can translate the mod on Crowdin.

2 years ago

g Title

2 years ago


Does Skip N Hours mean that you can change the amount of hours to be skipped in the settings?
Or how can I understand that?

  • TornBreeze
2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)


Probably, another title like "Skip N hours of gameplay to get chosen start items" will be more obvious...
This mod doesn't change your time, technologies etc. Simply, inserts some items as a player starts playing a map.
The start items can be configured in the map settings.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I think I expressed myself a bit misleadingly. It was clear to me that the mod does not skip some time itself or any technologies.
I actually wanted to know whether you can set how many items you get in the settings, based on the N hours.
But I see you answered that anyway.

Nonetheless, thanks for the answer.

  • TornBreeze

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