
by dorfl

Connect or separate circuit networks via shortwave radio channels.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18
Circuit network

g How to update for Factorio 1.1

3 years ago

A quick way to get Shortwave running with Factorio 1.1:

1) Update info.json so that the mod will run on Factorio 1.1:

"factorio_version": "1.1",

2) With Factorio 1.1.0, we've got more collision masks, and some of the old ones have new names. In data.lua, change line 126:

collision_mask = { "layer-11" }, -- OLD
collision_mask = { "rail-layer" }, -- NEW

This will let you load the game up to the main menu. There may be other things that will break in the control stage (during a game session), but I haven't got a crash yet. Then again, I didn't do much testing yet. :-)

3 years ago

Not crashing, but it won't let me place working units. Existing units will still work, but newly placed units don't seem to have all the parts (specifically shortwave-port if I'm following the code and descriptions correctly.)

3 years ago

Something in Factorio 1.1.x has glitched the placement of the I/O port entity. Blueprinting shows both components are still there, but the slightly offset selection box I was using for the I/O port (a decider combinator) doesn't seem to work anymore. Need to go through the game change logs.

3 years ago

Ghost placement from the cursor (Shift+Left Click) still has issues so it might not be the ultimate solution, but normal placement, blueprints, and copy & paste all seem to work now...

To get the I/O port to show up on a new entity, remark out or delete line 98 in control.lua

port.direction = defines.direction.south


--port.direction = defines.direction.south

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I uploaded a version with all the issues fixed. This will behave correctly when you place ghosts, pipette I/O ports, or use scripts to build, revive, or clone them.

Edit: Might have issues migrating, make sure to keep a backup!

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