Randotorio deprecated

Factorio but every recipe has its ingredients shuffled and every playthrough is different. This mod is based on the concept of Zelda Link To The Past Randomizer https://alttpr.com/en and contains randomization logic to ensure every seed can be completed. *Compatible with Seablock and Spaceblock* * Obsoleted by https://mods.factorio.com/mod/ZRecipeRandomizer *

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b Fails to load in 0.18.22

4 years ago

Fails to load in Factorio 0.18.22 with no other mods installed.

Error log:

4 years ago

Occasionally happens, try a different seed.

4 years ago

That'll require me to change the configs manually since the game won't even load at all. I'll give it a try.

3 years ago

I'm changing the default_value of the randotorio_seed setting, and it crashes no matter what I change it to.

3 years ago

Changing the argument to the logic.seed() function doesn't help either.

3 years ago

most (including myself) do not know how to change settings without using the game itself (which cannot be done if the game does not open)

3 years ago

Logic errors are not as simple as fixing a lua error, so this mod isn't a high priority.
Join us on discord maybe.

3 years ago

Was not able to find a functional seed either. Editing the raw config file is very tedious as well.