Longhaul Trains

by aron85_

Adds slower accelerating and breaking Trains that in return are able to hit higher top-speeds. This is very useful for trains travelling vast distances.

1 year, 1 month ago

g completion?

11 months ago

I assume by the fact that the new radioactive materials the mod adds arent used currently that this mod is incomplete, can we expect updates at some point that give them a purpose?
also based on the description i was more expecting trains then a breeder reactor, not that im complaining but still not what i was expecting and adding it to my collection for.

11 months ago

Well, there are also the trains, which admittedly look kinda crap, but do work as intended. The nuclear tree was added because I wanted to add even stronger fuel, but keep it balanced, so I went for plutonium. It probably is quite over the top though, to have added scientifically accurate recipes for everything..

Yes, I do intend to give the new materials a use once I have a bit more time on my hands. And hopefully I can also get around to fixing the trains and make them actually look nice.

11 months ago

good to know, thanks. considering that the updates and comments are pretty irregular, i was worried that i might have accidentally downloaded an abandoned mod.

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