Factorio Customizable Processing Unit. Allow to write any logic on low level machine code. The fCPU acts like a programmable microcontroller with a vector coprocessor that supports many useful instructions.

3 months ago
0.18 - 1.1
Logistic network Circuit network

b GUI crash on assigning an value-less signal

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Mod version: 0.3.18

Reproducible program:
mov r1 123[item=automation-science-pack]
mov r1 [item=logistic-science-pack]

What was expected to happen:
Either R1 ends up with 123[item=logistic-science-pack], R1 ends up with 0[item=logistic-science-pack], or fCPU controller halts with an error.

What happened instead:
The game threw an exception - "Programmable combinator (0.3.18) caused a non-recoverable error. Please report this error to the mod author."
Top-level error was referencing line 29 of /src/gui.lua: attempting to concatenate local 'str' (a nil value).

Quick fix:
Adding < or ""> to the end of the line 24 (of /src/gui.lua) suppresses the crash - reg1 is now able to safely contain [item=logistic-science-pack] (can't say if it's 0[item=logistic-science-pack] or nil[item=logistic-science-pack]). I'm not sure whether that's the root of the issue, though - I'm just learning the fCPU assembly language and in doubt of whether it is acceptable for a register to contain what appears to be a nil-valued signal.

Hope it helps! You've made a great mod. ^w^

3 years ago

Thank you for report!
Issue should be fixed in v0.3.19 .

Please let me know if it helped.

New response