Desk Accessories - Trainstop CSV export/import

by adamius

Bulk import and export of train stops using CSV text files to allow easier bulk editing.

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Just wanted to say thank you for this

4 years ago

We had about 130 stops when we decided we needed to do a major overhaul of our naming system. With this tool, I was able to do this quickly. Thank you for all the time you've saved

4 years ago

You're welcome. This mod was made exactly for this purpose. Hundreds of trainstops with varying naming schemes are easily cleaned up in a spreadsheet. Especially saves from multiplayer where everyone is using a slightly or wildly different scheme. Or you just change your mind.

If you're going large, also have a look at
It will let you add a trainstop to a train's schedule just by using copy and paste. And if you use a supported naming scheme it will handle the full cargo/empty cargo wait condition as well.

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