Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates

Smelt extra ores into plates, and make useful intermediate products. A key part of the Bob's mods suite.

6 months ago
0.13 - 1.1
This mod 4 From other mods 364
Dependency types:
Default 315 Required 147 Conflict 8 Optional 184 Hidden 25
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 4.55M
SeaBlock >= 1.1.6 94.7K
SeaBlockMetaPack 68.8K
AngelBob 38.6K
Bobs-updated-modpack 26.7K
angelssmelting-extended-upgradet >= 1.1.2 9.33K
extendedangels 7.83K
pure-water-void >= 1.1.2 6.67K
AngelBobPy 4.60K
bobsflowcontrol-updated >= 1.1.0 4.14K
bobs-custom-circuitry >= 1.1.3 4.04K
bobangel2021 3.76K
nach0_modpack_bobs 3.27K
Complex_Science_Pack_Recipes 2.58K
clean_crafting_menu 2.14K
Bob_nuclear_glow 2.13K
vq-modpack-bobs 2.04K
AngelBobPy-blend 1.65K
YA-SeaBlock >= 1.1.3 1.00K
AngelBobClown 846
MomosTweak >= 1.0.2 812
CoppermineBobModuleRebalancing >= 0.16.0 798
MatrixDJ96-Bob-Modpack 711
MatrixDJ96-Marsh-AngelBobs-Modpack >= 1.1.3 662
qatmore >= 1.1.6 662
Dan-MadClown-Science-Cobalt >= 0.18.0 568
Stackaaa >= 0.17.0 533
thar0l-modpack-abc-base >= 1.1.3 518
very-epic-mod-pack 498
underground-pipe-pack-ba 436
FrozenWorld 421
FrozenWorld 421
MyModPackMuit >= 1.1.3 421
SeaBlockCustomPack-Variant >= 1.1.2 406
nco-Manganese_Chrome_Sorting >= 0.17.10 362
WideChestsBobs 324
AllMods 309
mins-angelbob 271
traceminerals >= 1.1.0 266
apm_bob_rework_ldinc >= 1.2.0 265
MinersPack 262
ERPCTbaAB >= 0.18.0 254
BarrelSizeAngelBobs >= 1.1.5 252
InsaneModpack >= 1.1.2 251
NuclearFuelBobCompat >= 1.1.3 242
AlienNursery 215
Stackaaa_130 >= 0.17.0 212
xboxxxxd_modpack 210
BABasedModpack >= 1.1.6 198
YiPack >= 1.1.2 151
jwwolff-mod-pack 146
karosieben_modpack >= 1.1.2 133
korhal-modpack-bobangel 131
Factory_Block 130
Leftymod >= 1.1.0 122
N-industrypack 120
RocketEngineForRocket_updated 114
atlas-angelOreus-modpack = 1.1.5 92
Warptorio2_AB_Factorissimo2_Merge >= 1.2.1 92
MatrixDJ96-Marsh-AngelBobs-Modpack-PATCH >= 1.1.3 86
Stackaaa_129 >= 0.17.0 78
foltiks_spaghetti_modpack >= 1.0.2 76
landairandseas-modpack 75
wocpack2 61
kayospack 60
Alt_Bobs_Fuels >= 1.2.0 58
SpeaceBlock 45
yqur3-content 40
more-petrochem-hell 32
space-exploration-loves-bob >= 0.18.0 32
sbf-angelbob-modpack = 1.1.6 30
Better_Angels_Smelting >= 0.17.11 23
Swiftdrake 22
bekloppt-pack >= 1.1.3 21
CMHMod >= 0.15.0 20
AngelBobExtended >= 0.18.0 20
KaoExtended >= 0.17.0 19
Oberhaul >= 0.17.0 18
RocketTurrets >= 0.16.0 15
Hexy_AngelBob_Tweaks >= 0.17.11 14
Mod-Recipe-correct 14
NNCMAngelBob 14
Bob_Furnaces_Multipurpose >= 0.17.11 13
Manganese_Chrome_Sorting >= 0.17.10 12
fusion_catalyst_enabler >= 0.18 12
Texugo_bobs_morefurnaces >= 0.18.0 12
AngelBob_with_qol_Skelich >= 1.0.2 12
bobsangelthon >= 0.14.0 11
simplepack_bob > 0.18 11
CMHModBobEndGame >= 0.15.0 10
angelssmelting-extended >= 0.15.0 10
ABwirefix >= 0.18.0 10
extrabobs >= 0.18.0 9
necro_painful_modpack >= 0.17.2 9
IntoTheDeepEnd 9
Better_Thermal_Water >= 0.17.11 9
Silver_Nickel_Swap >= 0.17.11 9
AngelsBobsSelection >= 0.18.2 9
AngelBob_with_qol >= 1.0.2 9
Texugo_bobs_moreweapons >= 1.0.0 9
flowcontrolbobs >= 0.14.0 8
RocketEngineForRocket 8
Water_Depurification >= 1.0.1 8
WaterBarrels >= 0.14.0 7
Lzsmeltingaddon >= 0.15.0 7
foltiks_ultra_violence_modpack >= 0.17.11 7
SpaceMod-bobs 6
more-repair-packs >= 0.14.0 6
lasersniper >= 0.14.0 6
MoreRocketResults >= 0.16.3 6
greysmod_bobs >= 0.17.11 6
railway-exploration 6
bobsflowcontrol-updated-0-18 >= 0.18.0 6
bubblepack = 1.0.2 6
liquidscience >= 0.15 5
pyscience 5
liqtosol >= 0.14.0 5
mrorangers_AngelBob_Tweaks >= 0.17.11 5
naxtiles >= 0.18.0 5
utweaks >= 1.0.2 5
TestSpeaceBlock 5
bobsflowcontrol >= 0.15.3 4
startwithtin >= 0.15.0 4
rocket-science >= 0.15.2 4
BurnableLiquidFuel 4
useful_byproducts >= 0.14.0 4
Building_Materials 4
BaA_Spring_2024_Pack 845
space-exploration 472K
Sky-Atlas-Metallurgy-Core 567
DyWorld-Dynamics-2 372
trigonometric-oil 185
asj-modpack-space 135
sole-survivor 31
barrel-only 5
boblogistics >= 1.2.0 288K
bobpower >= 1.2.0 261K
bobwarfare >= 1.2.0 258K
bobassembly >= 1.2.0 257K
bobmining >= 1.2.0 252K
bobelectronics >= 1.2.0 240K
bobmodules >= 1.2.0 230K
bobrevamp >= 1.2.0 215K
angelsrefining >= 1.1.6 201K
bobgreenhouse >= 1.2.0 171K
Aircraft >= 1.1.0 166K
reskins-bobs 107K
angelsinfiniteores >= 1.1.6 106K
SpaceMod 99.5K
bobclasses >= 1.2.0 93.1K
ScienceCostTweakerM 77.7K
PlutoniumEnergy 58.6K
Load-Furn-2 45.5K
True-Nukes 42.2K
deadlock-integrations 33.0K
RealisticFusionPower 28.4K
Additional-Turret-updated 27.6K
Clowns-Processing >= 0.18.0 21.7K
MDbobelectronics >= 1.1.0 19.2K
Clowns-Extended-Minerals >= 0.18.0 17.9K
angels-smelting-extended >= 1.1.3 17.7K
vanilla-loaders-hd 17.6K
Factorio-Tiberium >= 1.0.0 16.9K
Asteroid_Mining >= 1.0.1 16.6K
bobplatesextension >= 1.1.0 16.4K
WipMod_TA-miners >= 0.18.0 16.1K
Clowns-Science >= 0.18.0 14.6K
Rocket_Turrets >= 1.1.0 14.5K
rampart_heavy_wall >= 1.0.0 14.5K
Deadlock-AAII-bridge 14.0K
electricboiler >= 0.16.5 13.9K
robotMiningSite >= 1.1.0 13.6K
LoaderRedux-BobLogistics 12.8K
multi-product-recipe-details 12.8K
dark-matter-replicators-18 >= 0.17.7 12.3K
DeadlockStackingForBobs 12.1K
Avatars >= 0.15.0 11.6K
BigDrills >= 1.1.0 10.2K
Load-Furn-Fixed 10.0K
mini-machines >= 0.18.9 9.87K
PCPRedux >= 0.18.0 9.61K
PowerAndArmor >= 0.15.11 8.97K
angelsextended-remelting-fixed >= 0.15.0 8.61K
MicroFurnaceWipMod >= 0.17.11 8.56K
flow-control-expanded-bob >= 1.1.3 8.09K
high-pressure-pipes >= 0.18.0 7.76K
SunResources >= 1.1.1 7.09K
angelslocaleja_RE >= 1.2.1 6.59K
P-U-M-P-S >= 1.1.2 6.37K
SimpleCompress >= 0.18.0 5.90K
UltimateBelts_Owoshima_And_Pankeko-Mod 5.72K
burner-power-progression >= 1.1.3 5.43K
bobangel-pollution 5.40K
RUSLocalizationsModsForFactorio >= 1.1.3 4.72K
baraws >= 1.1.0 4.68K
Common-Industries 4.55K
Angels_RBOS 3.90K
robotMiningSite_New >= 0.17.0 3.66K
MoreSciencePacks-for1_1 >= 0.17.10 3.53K
science-bottles >= 1.1.5 3.27K
Devterevs_Warfare >= 0.15.0 3.16K
DeadlockIntegrations 3.15K
deadlock-experiments 3.15K
angels-liquid-alloy-mixing >= 0.15.0 3.15K
Atlas_BobK2PowerFix 3.04K
micro-machines >= 0.18.9 2.78K
Atlas_ATF 2.61K
Arborium_Renewed >= 0.18.0 2.50K
ShinyBobGFX_Continued >= 0.16.0 2.12K
robotMiningSite_v2 >= 0.17.0 1.96K
Transport_Drones_Fuel_revived 1.81K
super-generous-recipes 1.80K
Power-Armour-Replacer >= 1.1.6 1.68K
bery0zas-pure-it >= 1.1.2 1.66K
SpaceModFeorasFork 1.56K
MilesBobsExpansion >= 1.1.5 1.53K
NauvisDay 1.47K
Additional-Turret-updated-limits-removed 1.32K
RusGoldLocal-Chapter-1-BobMods >= 1.1.0 1.28K
Logistic-Machines >= 1.1.2 1.28K
FoodIndustry >= 1.0.2 1.23K
IslandLocked 1.10K
SpaceMod-byOswald 1.04K
upgrade-machines >= 0.15.12 968
apm_nuclear_ldinc >= 1.0 966
Quick-Tech 950
pdg-deadlock-integrations 885
SmallFurnaceWipMod >= 0.17.11 883
grand-unified-factorio-theory >= 1.1.2 802
zero-modules >= 0.18.0 773
NPUtils_LITEv2 754
bobgreenhouse_kazzik >= 1.2.0 740
WipMod1_TA-miners >= 0.18.0 717
Based-Gaming-One-Tiberium >= 1.0.0 655
Oxygen_Patched 609
osm-radioactivity 597
dirtybarrels >= 1.0.2 517
kovarex-recipe-fix 460
BurnerAssemblingMachine >= 0.17.2 440
N-Tech Chemistry 402
dark-tech >= 0.17.3 340
Factorio-Tiberium-Makocb-Fork >= 1.0.0 321
Oxygen 319
FTweaks 303
ShinyBobGFX >= 0.16.0 290
1stack5k >= 0.16.0 286
dirty-fluid-containers >= 1.1.3 274
SunCubes >= 1.0.2 210
high-pressure-pipes2 >= 0.18.0 208
Noxys_LessHandMoreAssembler 197
grimerx-angels-fuelstack-rebalance 179
Fire-Electronics 175
Load-Furn 167
ShinyIcons >= 0.17.0 147
BasicKit 146
break_loop 129
ships_extended >= 0.16 111
dark-matter-replicators >= 0.17.7 104
Lenny_Industries 83
only-smelting >= 0.15.0 79
air-filtering-patched >= 0.18.0 75
MoreSciencePacks >= 0.17.10 73
CleanBatteryIcon >= 0.18.1 73
Additional-Turret 71
Texugo_TA-miners >= 0.18.0 68
Arborium >= 0.14.0 61
MicroFurnace >= 0.18.9 57
yemtostweaks >= 1.1.3 55
grimerx-make-outposts-great-again 43
baguette_super_generous 40
quickstart >= 0.18.1 39
MoreScience-BobAngelsExtension 36
labeled-storage 31
angelsextended-remelting >= 0.15.0 29
Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Advanced-Tech 27
Dp77s-FactorioPlus-Power 27
crafting-efficiency >= 0.17.0 25
big-factories >= 0.18.1 25
WideChestsAllType 22
dark-matter-replicators-R >= 0.17.7 20
marathon >= 0.12.10 18
ShinyBob_Techs_Update >= 0.18.0 17
Dark_Matter_Replicators_Replicated >= 0.17.7 17
WarehouseAddons >= 0.14.0 14
ShinyBob >= 0.14.0 14
ShinyBob_Menus >= 0.16.0 14
ShowBotsOnMap 14
Additional-Turret-016 12
BobFusionRobots >= 0.15.6 12
ShinyBob_Icons >= 0.16.0 12
deadlock-stacking-crating-bobs-quickfix 12
fix_recursivehandcrafting >= 0.15.0 10
additionaloilrefineries >= 0.13 8
sewage_pipe >= 0.14.0 7
marathomaton >= 0.15.3 7
spaceex_plus_bobs >= 0.14.0 7
ShinyBob_Techs >= 0.16.0 7
Illiander-Hell-interop 7
project-corona >= 0.18.0 7
ATRSimpleCompress >= 0.17.0 7
Diesel_Barrelling_forKSPower >= 0.13.0 6
JQE >= 1.0.2 6
ShinyBob_Graphics >= 0.16.0 6
container-mass-produce >= 0.16.4 6
Mass_Metals >= 0.17.0 6
macks-tweaks 6
CW-bob-compat 6
nekoRepairPacks >= 0.16.0 5
SupremeWarfare >= 0.15.0 5
nitricwastereplace >= 0.15.0 5
marathon-continued >= 0.15.3 5
InstantTechnologies 5
NoFluidstoMine >= 0.0.1 5
ingtweaks >= 0.18 5
CheapRocketFuel >= 0.15.0 4
Wizz-AlienLoot 4
Last dependency data update: 8 hours ago (for v1.2.1)